About Us
Sacred Light is led by doyens of a different vision. The pledge undertaken by the management and teacher of the school is to provide a quality education to the students of this area. Having a rural background, this school is much more conscious about the drawbacks and needs of the children here. So we strive hard to impact such healthy and conducive environment where
“A good guide can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning”
Student's Co-curricular Activites At School
The school has always held the belief that academic qualification alone doesn’t make an individual truly educated. We promote healthy competition amongst students and provide them with a platform to show their multifarious talents by providing them vistas of activities There is great joy and opportunity in child development, school offering a challenging curriculum that serves as the foundation for a lifelong passion for learning. Every aspect of our program is focused on the learning experience, on building close connections with our faculty, and on creating age-appropriate learning environments for School students. These are the foundational building blocks that shape our community.

Music & Dance